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Terrific Tuesdays 8-18-20

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We want to celebrate what has been going on at Inca Link:

  1. The Keifers arrived in Ecuador! Pray for them as they settle in Quito.
  2. The Saccsaras continue to serve the Quechuas in Lima, Peru. Pray for them as they continue their work and also as they homeschool their children.
  3. Please pray for Ninawachi, our ministry in the jungle of Ecuador, as they are deciding if they will send their students to do their practicums in November or not.
  4. We also want to pray for Meylin‘s sister, who has not been able to leave Ecuador to return home.
  5. Pray for the Taubes in Costa Rica as they have their first church service this Sunday!
  6. We are celebrating with the Jordan-Taubes in Quito because the Cumbre Alta soccer club is moving forward with an advertising project that will help them with their revenue.
  7. We are also celebrating with Daniel and Nayeli in Honduras because they have received their documents to be in Honduras, and they are also about to legalize Inca Link Honduras! Additionally, the community in La Sierra has allowed them to use one of their buildings so that they can have more space to meet with their youth groups.
  8. Finally, we ask you to pray for our leaders at Elim as the brother of one of the teenagers who volunteers with them is in the hospital after getting shot twice. Thankfully he is recovering and it looks like he may be able to go home today or tomorrow.

Have a great week!