Hi to all of Inca Link Global,
God is growing us in the middle of challenges.
- We had a great time with the new board of Inca Link International. We have a great new board and God is working through all of them. I am encouraged for what God is going to do this year.
- The intern reunion was amazing! We had 30 interns that were with us. It was spectacular!
- We have a new missionary couple coming to Manta, Ecuador to help us with the children´s home there. They are amazing – pray for them as they raise money. Welcome aboard Will and Amanda and Emery.
- The Ninawachi delegation was ministering with Jim in the jungles of Ecuador and people got closer to the Lord.
- Kayla was able to share her faith with a guy on the plane next to her yesterday.
- Get prepared for 600 more short termers this year. We already got our first summer intern signed up!
- There was a medical caravan in the garbage dump ELIM in Milagro, Peru that went really well.
- Wear it Wednesday was a smashing success! Thanks for participating in it.
Highs and Lows – The highs were the amazing board meetings that we had that were better than any other board meeting I have had in my life. We have a new board filled with experience, contacts and they challenge me to be better for the Lord and Inca Link. Also the Intern reunion ROCKED! LOWS – I had some tough meetings with people in the U.S. and via Skype. It hurts, even though they are the right decisions.
Goals reached for Inca Link – I was able to preach this Sunday with the interns accompanying me in a church and we were able to show what Inca Link is doing in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. We also met with the Eason family, had Inca Link board meetings, the Intern reunion and Skype meetings with people from Africa and South America.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa