Refund Policy

Our refund policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund.

Inca Link International utilizes print-on-demand merchants to produce our products, which means that all products are unique and produced only once ordered. This also means that returns and exchanges are not supported if you ordered the wrong size, color, or simply changed your mind.

However, in case of a damaged product or a manufacturing error, our merchants offer a free replacement or a refund if you contact us within 30 days of product delivery. To do so, please reach out with photo evidence of the item’s improper condition.

If you purchased downloadable content, that content is non-refundable.



You’re free to cancel an order anytime before items have been created. If a cancellation is requested after an item has been made, money and time have already been invested. At this point, it’s unlikely that a cancelation is possible. 



After an item is shipped, things have moved beyond our control. Shipping (particularly for international orders) is affected by many outside influences. If you’d like an update on your order, please contact the shipping company with your order number or use a tracking number or link.


Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds.
