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Terrific Tuesdays 7-2-24

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We are excited because we are in Trujillo, Peru, where Inca Link started. We are also excited because we are with two beautiful interns, Hannah and Elizabeth.

  • What has your internship looked like in Trujillo?
    Hannah: My time here has been really rich and really meaningful. I have been able to spend time primarily with Jeff and Chloe at Mana helping out the kids, and as a dietician serving in that area as much as possible, and participating in all the other activities the ministry offers.
    Elizabeth: I have only been here a short while, but in that time, I have been able to explore all the different ministries and see what God has been doing in each of them. It has been amazing to be able to see how He is working and how Inca Link is serving the communities.
  • If someone were to come as an intern, what kind of things would they be doing?
    Hannah: One of the wonderful things is that there’s a lot of flexibility. So if you have unique gifts, talents, skills or abilities, I think there’s always going to be room to serve in that way with whatever ideas you have, and everyone is receptive to that. There’s also opportunities for you to join in where God has already started.
    Elizabeth: It’s just using your own talents that God has given you to serve Him and show His love to all the children here.
  • We’ve had interns from ages 18 up to 75. Anyone can come down and serve wherever God is leading you to serve. We’d love to have you.

Hope you have a wonderful week. Take care.