Terrific Tuesdays 9-20-22

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We are in beautiful Honduras, and we are so excited to know what’s going on in Inca Link Honduras. We are here with Olvin and Miriam, who are great hard workers with the kids and families of the area. We are so thankful for them.

  • What does Inca Link Honduras do? We’re working with kids, teaching them how to read and write because they don’t know how to yet. On Saturdays, we have Bible studies.
  • What other projects does Inca Link Honduras do? We have a project called Casa Onesíforo in another part of Honduras. There, we feed children and we help the pastor, Carlos.
  • You might hear hens and other things in the background of the video. We are in the middle of the mountains in Honduras, and we love what God is doing here – teaching kids how to read and write.
  • What are some things that people can do if they come to volunteer? They can help us by working with us, praying for us, and giving their time and donations. You can come help teach and play with the kids! We invite you to come visit Inca Link Honduras and see what God is doing.

Que tengan una excelente semana.