WOW! Have you seen the new video for Short Term teams? Please share the video from the Inca Link Youtube channel on Facebook and Youtube. We need your help to make this go viral. We need more teams next summer. Please pass it on to your friends, pastors, professors and anyone interested in missions.
Amazing things that God is doing through Inca Link :),
- We had a great weekend retreat with Leader Mundial Latino men. We went rafting and had a great time of bonding. See pictures attached. Pray for Giovani who dislocated his shoulder, he was able to put it back in but it still hurts.
- MANÁ, the day care center in Peru, had 89 kids attended at a medical campaign. There appears to be enough funds to construct the 2nd floor of the Mana building. Praise the Lord.
Casa Elizabeth – the teen pregnancy center in Ecuador has 3 new girls coming this week. They had a great retreat with the staff. May God continue to bless them.
- Ignacio and Meylin had a great ministry with the young married couples and they took some of the mothers of Amijaí and Inka Thakhi to church and they showed a movie to them. Keep praying for these mothers in Peru.
- Let´s pray for some of the girls in the Amijai ministry in Peru. They are playing dangerous games with the boys of their schools. Thanks Yackory for your work with them.
Highs and Lows
Highs – Josiah won his volleyball championship at Quissa (international schools of Quito). He is playing so well. It was fun to do rafting :). I´m on the 3rd review of my book.
Lows – Alexa almost died last week. She choked on a ball of melted of cheese. I tried to get it out. It didn´t work. Thank the Lord Mandi was there and did the Heimlech and got it out. She literally saved her life. Thanks Mandi! I still feel like there is a ton to do on my book :(.
2 Prayer Requests – For my book – I have to finish my book this week and get it out to 5 editors. Any of you want to volunteer for that? Please pray for me as I preach at La Luz this next Sunday that the Lord will use me.
Goals reached for Inca Link and the Kingdom of Christ – More work on the book, I planned and taught at the Leader Mundial Ecuador event, Elisa preached at the Cumbaya church youth group on “friends with benefits, is it OK?” See pic attached. Meetings with Nyack College prof, meetings with the new director of Youth World and we had the interns and team at our house to eat.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa