Hi to all of the friends of Inca Link Global,
God is doing amazing things in Inca Link these days. Here are a few highlights:
- The Lord helped Jim get out of the hospital and he is recovering well from the infection he had on his face.
- Oasis – the sponsorship program for kids in Bogotá, Colombia – is serving 60 children. Let´s pray for the 10 kids that are having complications in school.
- Bonsai – after school program in Manta, Ecuador – had their first week of
ministry to some of the most needy kids. See video at – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKwyTnukzE4 - The programs of Inca Link Perú had children from all of their ministries – Amijai, Maná, Elim, Inca Thakhi y Pasitos de Fe. Visit Inca Link Peru’s Facebook page at- https://www.facebook.com/incalinkperu/posts/1087373174640961
Highs – We have had some great ministry in churches in Florida the last couple of weeks. We were able to recruit more teams and interns for 2017. Alexa is doing better in school and in Soccer – we were able to visit Sea World in Florida 🙂
Lows – I have a cough still – for the last two weeks.
2 Prayer Requests – Pray for this next weekend. We have two important churches to preach at and share about what God is doing. Both of them have Short Term teams coming down this summer. Also pray that I get rid of my cough.
Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – we got 309 baby bottles donated to help us fund raise for Casa Elizabeth (our teen pregnancy center). We sent out the first 50 already :). We were able to preach in many partner churches of Inca Link and recruit more teams and interns for the future.
Rich and Elisa