Hi to all of our friends of Inca Link Global,
Latest updates:
- Leader Mundial Ecuador enjoyed having 33 men from all over Ecuador learning together, becoming vulnerable, washing each others feet, creating community, building friendships and doing team building.
- Corban met to create songs for their 6th CD and do a concert at the National Youth Event of the
Alliance in Ecuador called ANJE.
- We had a meeting to prepare for the next two Ecuadorian National Summit of Youth Specialties 625 – in Guayaquil and Quito – May 25-26, 2018.
- Cumbre Alta soccer ministry has their first game this weekend to ascend another level in the Copa Pichincha. Congratulations to Meji, one of the players, for graduating this week.
- Daniel Ascencio has served with Inca Link Perú for several years, but he just moved to Spain to study. There was a great going away party for him from the board of Inca Link Peru and Corban. We will miss you Dany.
- We have a new missionary – welcome
Gideon Miller, who will be with us in 2018 at Ninawachi.
WEAR IT WEDNESDAY IS NEXT WEDNESDAY – OCTOBER 18 – On FB, tag our page Inca Link and use the hashtag – #wearitwednesday and/or on Instagram and Twitter, tag our page @inca_link and use the hashtag above. There will be prizes for the most liked fotos so be creative 🙂
Highs – Argentina won last night with 3 goals by Messi, and they qualified for the World Cup (it was a close one). Also Perú is one step away from qualifying for the first time since 1982. We got to play soccer with Corban – always a highlight – and we won – we missed Josiah 🙁
Lows – Ecuador did not qualify to the World Cup 🙁
2 Prayer requests
– Pray for our trip to South Africa for Leader Mundial with couples where we will be speaking 5 times on Youth Ministries and millennials, Marriage and Ministry, and how to get to know yourself better to work with others better.
– Pray for my trip to Mexico at the end of the month – speaking to youth from all over Mexico from the Alliance.
Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – We did a workshop at the National Alliance youth conference of ANJE – Entrenosotras, we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving 🙂 , we enjoyed a time at the hot springs in Papallacta with the new director’s family of the Alliance Academy International, I organized Leader Mundial Ecuador, we had several Skype meetings with donors and volunteers, Elisa was trained in Planeta Girl for teenagers and college-age girls/women, music was created by Corban and they did a concert, meetings with Inca Link International, Ecuador and Youth Specialties – E625 Ecuador, etc.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa
P.S. Please keep praying for the next 15 countries, 15 couples in 15 years that Inca Link seeks to go into to help reach the 300 million youth in Latin America with Christ’s love.