Hi to all of the Inca Link global family,
Elisa and I prayed this over all of you this morning.
2 Thessalonians 1:11 – “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by the faith.”
How are you all? To all of our Canadian friends we wish you a happy Thanksgiving 🙂 and to all — happy Columbus Day :). Things that are brewing with news in Inca Link these days:
- Cumbre Alta sports ministry in Quito, Ecuador – continues to be in first place in the mens soccer league. They have 6 more games this season. Pray for the tournament for women 5 vs 5 that will be held October 20th – we need more teams to sig
n up for that.
- We have 8 groups of GAP (World Race) in Quinta Casa Blanca, Ecuador for 3 months. Pray that they will have an impact all over the country.
- En Elim, the children´s ministry near the garbage dump in Trujillo, Peru – they finished a class on Psychoprophylaxis this last week.
- Lindsey Fisher had her baby yesterday – 8 pounds 8 ounces – born at 4:47pm – Noah Fisher.
- We thank God for an organization that is helping one of the Inca Thakhi leaders from Peru, study in the missions training school in Ninawachi, Ecuador. Praise the Lord!
- We have used up almost all of the donations received for the earthquake on April 16, 2016 in Manabí, Ecuador. We thank God for all of the donations. This is what we have been able to do with these donations – we sponsored 150 leaders from Manabí to a conference in Quito (all expenses paid), we provided 274,000 meals for 4 people totaling 1 million meals, we fed on a regular basis 7,000 people until their needs were met, we fixed walls and roofs in churches and homes and served Jesus disguised as earthquake victims. Thanks to our team in Manabi for serving so well during this difficult time. See pic from Elim not from Manabí – PLEASE SEE the report from Percy who served at ground zero and pictures from Easons in Manta.
- Save the date – October 26th, 2016 is our annual WEAR IT WEDNESDAY!
HELP – we need a children´s ministry group to come down and serve our Inca Link children and youth for our retreat. It is from January 27-31 2017. We have 27 that need to be served during this time. We are looking for churches who would pay their own way to come and do this as a ministry. If you know of someone who might be interested – please write us to let us know at — brown@www.incalink.org.
Highs – Elisa and I have a trip to Saskatoon, Canada this week and we get to see Josiah play soccer along the way. We had an amazing night last night with the directors of projects from Inca Link Ecuador (Quito) – we had an Argentine BBQ and laughed a lot.
Lows – Alexa was throwing up this weekend :(. The good news is she seems to be almost 100% now.
2 Prayer Requests – Pray for our time with the district churches in Saskatoon, Canada. We will be preaching 3 times to about 10 churches and we want to recruit grupos y interinos for Inca Link. Pray for Alexa in the dorm while we are gone.
Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – we had meetings with ILE, met with the Retreat committee (27-31 of January 2017 in Palma Azul – San Clemente, Ecuador) – we have 93 on the list to attend, we wrote an email to every church and every intern who has ever come down with Inca Link (155 teams and 355 interns since 2008), meetings with e623 and with possible interns and groups that want to come with Inca Link this year.
Intensely Focused:),
Rich and Elisa