Hi to all of the friends of Inca link Global,
We reached the goal of 5,000 likes on our Inca Link Facebook page! Thanks to all of you who helped with Wear it Wednesday to make it one of the most successful events we have had in reaching our goals.
We reached the goal of 5,000 likes on our Inca Link Facebook page! Thanks to all of you who helped with Wear it Wednesday to make it one of the most successful events we have had in reaching our goals.
These are some of the highlights of Inca Link:
- A group from AIM, the GAP group of 55 people left Casa Blanca this week with over a month of service.
- Cumbre Alta sports ministry is in the top 4 teams of their category in the men´s department. If they reach the top 2 places they will ascend to the next level.
- The young people of the Alliance church of Porvenir were at our property in Trujillo, Peru this week worshiping the Lord and having a conference together.
The mothers of the Elim, garbage dump ministry in Milagro, Peru took nutrition work shops this week.
- We thank the Lord for kids at Amijai y MANÁ in Peru are getting to know God.
- Please pray for the Ninawachi missions school students who are all over in the jungles of Ecuador this month serving in their practicums.
Bonsai, after school program in Manta, Ecuador, has about 20 kids who are served.
Highs – We had a great church service this week, God is clearly teaching us many things. Alexa played a great volleyball tournament this weekend and got 4th place. Olivia got another part-time job teaching Spanish to children.
Lows – I have been really burdened this week and have had to depend more on the Lord.
2 Prayer Requests – That God will give me and others wisdom to make some tough decisions in the next few weeks. For the launching of the web page www.e625.com – Pray for this web page that can really impact all of Latin America. If you can – sign up for the subscription – it is only $10 a month :).
Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and for Inca Link – We had great Skype meetings with interns, team leaders, possible groups, our missionaries from Inca Link Ecuador, Envision, our bosses with Envision, etc. Elisa had a great week with Entrenosotras – many women are getting closer to God through that time.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa
Winners of the Wear It Wednesday contest: