Hi to all of the friends and heroes of Inca Link Global,
Merry Christmas! May God Himself be Emmanuel in your lives!
Here are some of the updates in the Inca Link World:
- Elim, our garbage dump ministry in Trujillo, Peru, has finally purchased a property of their own. Praise the Lord!
- Inca Link Ecuador had 39 people at the celebration night to thank God for the 2017 year. We ate turkey, had a music competition and we partied on the Chiva.
- Inca Link Perú had a Christmas celebration with presents for each of our workers who serve so faithfully every day in our projects.
- La familia Intern Reunion is around the corner – December 29-31 in Envision Cleveland. We have about 20 people signed up.
- La familia Linker girls are already getting to know the ministries in Ecuador. They have served a little in Ninawachi, Bonsai y Portoviejo 7.8. Pray for them this Christmas and New Years as they will be away from their families.
- La familia Cumbre Alta soccer team got 3rd place at the Estadio Atahualpa, where the Ecuadorian national team plays, and will fight it out next year to become professional.
End of the Year Campaign – The goal is $20,000 – and we are only lacking $3,289 for the end of the year. Would you pray about participating from anywhere between $5 and $1000? 🙂 This is to help us launch into 15 new countries in the next 15 years to reach the 300 million youth in Latin America. You can give aquí.
Highs – We had good ministry trips to the Dominican Republic and Spain, where we served in the Alliance Church in Barcelona with friends and pastors. Also, my mother-in-law is with us for Christmas.
Lows – We won’t be with all of our kids this Christmas. We will be with Alexa but the other 4 will be far away 🙁 . On a positive note – we will all be together at the Intern Reunion for New Years 🙂
2 Prayer requests – Please pray for Alexa that she will end the year well in here studies, etc. Pray also for the Intern Reunion at the end of the year that it will be a great time of connection and encouragement for all.
Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – Elisa had a fabulous meeting with the women of Entrenosotras at our house for Christmas and her mom got to participate too. We had a great ministry time in
Barcelona (Elisa and Dany Ascencio from Corban did the music, Chuck Fanberg preached and I taught the youth leaders) and connecting with friends from high school and college there in Spain. Elisa did a fabulous job teaching at Planeta Girl for 6 hours to almost 60 girls. We had a nice time celebrating with
Inca Link Ecuador on Sunday night and on the Chiva. We made lots of phone calls to donors and people who support Inca Link. We are coordinating the 6th Corban CD – we will keep you posted.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa