Hi to all of our Inca Link Friends around the World,
Our latest news items include:
- La familia Linkers already finished their time in Colombia and are leaving Ecuador this week and going to Perú. If you know of someone who might want to do a year (9 months) of missions after high school, between the ages of 18-22, you can contact rforman@incalink.org.
- The summer workshops at Elim, in Trujillo, Peru are going really well. They are getting training in art, soccer, how to play the Peruvian Cajon
and much more.
- 100 at risk children from Inca Link Peru ministries, including kids from Elim, Amijai, MANÁ y Inca Thakhi are going to camp in March. Please pray for them as they raise $1000 to cover the basic costs for this camp. If you are interested in helping please click aquí.
- En Casa Elizabeth (teen pregnancy center) there was a wedding for Cristina Guzmán, who is the oldest daughter of David and Elsy (the house parents for the teenage pregnancy girls). She married a fine Christian man from Cuba.
Highs – Alexa played in her last soccer tournament and scored two of the team’s 4 goals. They got 3rd place out of 5. We had an excellent time in Colombia with the Inca Link Colombia team.
Lows – Alexa played her last sport in high school. We are sad because we loved watching our kids play sports through the years.
2 Prayer Requests
- Pray for Alexa as she continues to seek out the best university for her. Pray for God’s leading.
- Pray for the Corban tour from July 2-22 in Ohio (Beulah Beach and
other churches), Pennsylvania, Florida (Life Conference) and Colorado. If you know of some contacts in these states who might want a Corban concert this summer please send them to us – brown@incalink.org
Goals met for the kingdom of Christ and for Inca Link – We are facilitating a Kairos course with 30 students in Quito every Thursday night, and are starting two more courses in Portoviejo and Alianza Norte in the next few months. We travelled to Colombia to visit the Overmoyers and help get them settled, we had meetings with Corban, Inca Link Ecuador, Peru, Honduras and International as well as the Alliance Academy.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa