Hi to all of Inca Link Global,
It´s a privilege for us to give you some of the most important news items in Inca Link these days :).
- Chelsey Brunt arrived in Ecuador this week as Inca Link Missionary number 17 to serve in the Sports ministry Cumbre Alta, discipling and coaching the women´s soccer team. Welcome to the team Chelsey 🙂
- Cumbre Alta men´s soccer team in Quito, Ecuador was given the great news that they will play in the 2nd Amateur division this year. Last year they won it. Let´s pray that they do well this year to ascend to first division.
- En Inca Link Perú they have been teaching some kids at risk how to play the guitar. This is a very entertaining video on Facebook 🙂 – https://www.facebook.com/incalinkperu/videos/1095232850521660/
- We had a great conversation this week with Inca link Colombia about the future of Oasis (the garbage dump sponsorship program in Bogotá) and the need to have a soccer court in the neighborhood and community of St. Cecilia.
- Some have wanted to know more about Inca Thakhi´s ministry that Joca does called floor boarding – or field hockey. This video will show a little of how he has trained over 100 kids through different sports, discipling them in the faith as well. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWsc1eDGgCc&feature=youtu.be
- We have in Youth Specialties in Ecuador over 300 people already signed u
p for the event May 13 & 14. Pray that we reach our goal of 1,000 by then.
- Amijai, a ministry in Trujillo, Perú, had their graduation ceremony for the summer program for kids at risk. There were over 30 who graduated.
- Let´s pray for Pablo y Kusi Saccsara and their kids as they have had some stomach issues. They eat all of the food in the communities they go into. Pray for the computer workshop that Pablo is doing this week. Pray also for the community called Huarochiri, Peru where over 30 families lost their homes.
- Pray for the World Race, Mission Peru and other grupos y interinos coming soon (or are already down in the respective countries).
Highs – Alexa and Mishayla had good soccer games this week. Mishayla bought her first car this week and we will get to use it until we go back to the field :).
Lows – My cousin Pam Mason passed away this week. She is my first of 26 cousins who has passed away. Please pray for the families directly impacted by this.
2 Prayer Requests – We thank the Lord for Mandi Howlett who has served with Inca Link for 4 years as an IL Missionary. Pray for her service to the Alliance Academy International. Also pray that Inca Link will get more teachers to give discounts to our Inca Link kids in Ecuador.
Goals met for the Kingdom of God and Inca Link – Many emails, Skype meetings and interviews of possible candidates for Inca Link in the future.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa
P.S. It would be awesome to hear from more of you what your highs and lows are for the week – and to pray for your 2 prayer requests :).