Hi to all of Inca Link Global,
We have had sadness in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, for the rains and election marches – however, God has been faithful to Inca Link.
- There is a King´s Academy team in the jungles with Ninawachi.
- Elim, the garbage dump ministry in Trujillo, Peru, is looking at starting a new program in an area that they served after the flooding. Pray for them.
- The kids of Inca Thakhi helped put together over 200 bags of food for the needy families from our ministries in Inca Link Peru.
- Oasis, the sponsorship program with kids at risk in Bogotá, Colombia, continues to serve the
kids and the community.
- We praise God for the help that is arriving to those who are in need in Peru and Colombia. Thanks for your support.
- Today is Elisa´s Bday, she is one of the founders of Inca Link. Happy bday my love 🙂
Sad note – Patrick Watts, one of our Inca Link missionaries, returned back home last night. He is going back to the U.S. for health reasons. Let’s be praying for him through this transition. We love you Patrick.
Highs – that we were able to finish a book on the 500th anniversary of the reformation. That the Panel we are preparing for May 6th appears to be ready.
Lows – Patrick´s leaving.
2 Prayer requests – Pray for Patrick’s transition back to the U.S. Pray for the groups, interinos y Link Year people serving in our countries this year.
Goals reached for the kingdom of God and Inca Link – We had great retreats with Envision Latin America, and a good time with the Alliance regional meetings, we were able to finish the book for the anniversary of the reformation, we had several Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom meetings and are planning the next 16 years of Inca Link — 16 entrepreneurial couples, 16 new projects, 16 new national couples in 16 new countries in the next 16 years.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa