Hi to all of the Inca Linkers :),
We have had some amazing weeks of ministry. Here are some of the latest news items 🙂
- Jim, our missionary in the jungles of Ecuador, at Ninawachi is asking for prayer for a student named Ishmael, 25 years old, whose blood pressure has escalated through the roof. They are concerned for his health. Please pray.
- There is a filming group going to the mountain region of Peru with Pablo and Kusi (Our inca Link missionaries to the indigenous of Peru). The film team will be helping to raise money for a literacy program with the Quechua women mostly. This is a Canadian Alliance Women´s project. Also pray for Kusi who we just found out was in the emergency room for an allergic reaction to some medicine.
- Ignacio and Meylin are praying about their return to Latin America. We keep praying for Meylin´s
citizenship in the U.S. The plan is for her to get her passport, go to Trujillo to run grupos y interinos this summer, in August move to the jungles of Ecuador to run the Ninawachi institute and then to Colombia to be missionaries for Inca Link and Church Partnership Evangelism there. Let´s keep praying for them.
- Corban is preparing their trip to the U.S. this July to do a 3 week tour. Pray for key churches in the Atlanta and Memphis areas. If you have
contacts – please let us know.
- We have had great ministries these last couple of weeks with Inca Thakhi, Amijai y Eli
m – some of our Inca link Peru ministries.
Highs – We were able to visit Ignacio, Meylin and Michaiah. We also were able to visit some missionary family friends of ours from Ecuador who lost their 17 year old Son in December. We celebrated Elisa´s bday yesterday – Happy B-day my love 🙂
Lows – Alexa has a lot of projects to make up for missing a day and a half of school this past weekend.
2 Prayer requests – Pray for the details of the Corban tour in these key cities. Pray for Josiah who has had to take out his first loan for university. Pray that God will provide for him.
Goals reached for the Kingdom of God and for Inca Link – Preached in several churches promoting Inca Link (Many of you signed up for our Terrific Tuesdays – WELCOME :)), we visited the Mireles and Luginbill families, we answered many emails for 4 possible new missionaries with Inca Link and we had various skype meetings.
Intensely Focused :),
Rich and Elisa