- We got the Terrific Tuesdays in on time this week!
- Our highest high is that our book, Trabajemos en Familia (Family on Mission), was sent to the printer today! Lucas Leys, founder of E625 and editor of our book, said, “I love all of (E625’s) books, but in particular I am excited about the ones that are completely original, and there is no other editorial like this one.”
- We celebrated Pedro Contag becoming the pastor of the Viña church.
- King’s Academy made it to Ecuador and had a fabulous time with Mark and Cheryl Shafer in the jungle!
- We celebrated the imminent arrival of Alegria (Happiness) with Fabian and Mabe on Saturday.
Rich and I attended a “sunrise” service at El Refugio camp with Youth World on Sunday to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. It was a lovely time.
- Elim started a Bible study with its adolescent group.
- We were able to enjoy Fer and Francisco Altare for a few days in our house!
- We rejoice with the news that both Dalton and Rachel Forman y Brent and Stephany Tincopa Frederick are expecting!
- We are celebrating the fact that Josiah and Rich are in the finals of their fantasy soccer league. We will soon find out who the ultimate champion is. In my heart, they are both the ultimate champions!
- We had a great Skype with our kids last week!
- We are getting our cars inspected. What a pain in the neck this is each year!
- There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done that we want to get done!
Prayer Requests:
- Meylin has suffered terribly with allergy problems this year. Tomorrow at 12 noon she will be having sinus and tonsil surgery. Pray that the surgery will go well and that it will bring the relief and healing that they have been praying for. Pray for a quick recuperation as well.
- Pray for Kusi Saccsara who will be alone with the boys while Pablo is traveling in the States. They are all fighting colds as well this week.
- Casa Elizabeth has its big inspection on Thursday. Pray for favor in the eyes of children’s services here in Quito so we can keep serving pregnant teens around Ecuador.
Goals met this week:
I led my last Entre Nosotras study this last week after 12 years of being in leadership. Lots of mentoring, meetings with people to take our place in various ministries, planning ILI board meeting this Sunday, Kairos course yesterday night. We’ve also had meetings with ILE, AIM (World Race), Ecuadorian Alliance missions committee meeting, the missions mobilizer for Washington State, and ILE’s executive director. We also managed to pack 4 suitcases and send them to the States.
Big hugs to all!
Intensely focused,
Elisa and Rich