Terrific Tuesdays 4-27-21

¡Feliz Maravilloso Martes!

  • We are so excited because during a recent Inca Link board meeting, we were able to celebrate all that God has done in the midst of COVID – we have actually grown through this time of COVID! Thank you for partnering with us! You have not only prayed for us, but you have given and you are going.
  • We are also excited because Ninawachi was able to celebrate last year’s and this year’s graduates in person! Mark Shafer, the founder of the ministry who retired last year, was able to be there to celebrate with them as well. Please pray for the graduates as they go out on the mission field.
  • Continue praying for each of our ministries as they continue to try to operate through the pandemic and changing restrictions in the different countries. Pray that we will be able to meet with the kids and help them keep their education up to par.
  • Pray for Elim en Perú as they would like to keep doing their tutoring program with the kids. Also, they are excited to now have a property for their building, but pray for them as they start construction on it soon.
  • Please be praying for us as we will be on the mission field in another country again soon.

Feliz y maravilloso martes.