Terrific Tuesdays 7-14-20

Happy Terrific Tuesday! We want to thank everyone for praying for the requests we gave last week. Here are some updates and more prayer requests:

  • The girl from Casa Elizabeth is out of danger physically, but she is struggling emotionally because she lost her baby. Please continue to pray for her.
  • Sergio, a 6 year old boy from our Amijai ministry in Perú, passed away after a wall fell on him. Please pray for his family.
  • Please continue to pray for us as we will be transitioning back to the field, but we don’t know when just yet.
  • Also, Inca Link will be releasing a Missions and Cultural Discovery Packet soon! Please write our Director of Ministry Development Luke Schriefer at lschriefer@incalink.org to receive a copy of the packet by email or download it from our website tomorrow at www.incalink.org/packets.

Feliz y maravilloso martes.