Inca Link Ministries

Inca Link Colombia


Providing children and youth with a safe space to succeed in their educational journey while practically sharing Christ's love.

Proyecto Confianza

Equipping believers to live an authentic and transforming faith through personal discipleship.

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Zoe Home

Zoe Home's mission is to provide a Colombian teen from a troubled home with a place to heal, learn, and grow.

Inca Link Costa Rica

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Cumbre Alta Costa Rica

Cumbre Alta Costa Rica teaches sports skill development to children and youth.

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Inca Lengua

Inca Lengua gives low-income families the opportunity to learn English in a way that not only opens doors of physical opportunity but also spiritual.

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Mission Costa Rica

Mission Costa Rica is focused on introducing the next generation of students to international missions through hands-on ministry in Costa Rica. 

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Tucántico embarks on a dual mission: to sustain ministry initiatives and nurture spiritual growth.

Inca Link Ecuador


Focusing on furthering education, promoting healthy families, and proclaiming Jesus.

Casa Deportiva Cumbre Alta

Cumbre Alta aims to share Christ and His love through soccer while striving to reach the highest levels of Ecuadorian sport.

Casa Elizabeth

Working in the prevention and accompaniment of teenage pregnancy with the vulnerable population of northern Quito.


E625 offers the best resources to those working in the discipleship of the new generation from six to 25 years old.

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El Hormiguero

We reach and disciple teenagers by serving other teenagers and children from vulnerable families, providing them with food, and supporting their education.

Líder Plus

Mentoring new generation leaders by providing resources and tools with a focus on discipleship and developing in them the character virtues of Jesus.

Ninawachi Mission Institute

Training national youth to be missionaries and sending them out to the forgotten people groups throughout the jungle regions.

Pluma Ligera

Sharing Christian values through storytelling contests and writing schools.

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Portoviejo 7.8

Introducing children and youth, who live in the garbage dump, to the love of Jesus through Bible study and compassion ministries.

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Quinta Casablanca

Quinta Casablanca is Inca Link's guest house, making the mission field feel like home and a piece of heaven.

Inca Link Guatemala

Creación de Dios

Training children and young people from different areas of Guatemala who are capable of fulfilling their dreams in Christ.

Manos de Cristo

Our goal is to help break the cycle of poverty in vulnerable communities in Guatemala.

Inca Link Honduras

Casa Onesíforo

Serving the new generation of Támara through a feeding program while practically showing the love of Christ.

Clases de Inglés

Reaching our community by teaching English classes free of charge and by dissimulating the attendees with the help of the local church.

El Recreo

Mediating dynamics to share the irresistible love of Christ with the children of the Pueblo Viejo school.

La Sierra

Sharing the love of Jesus through Bible studies, literacy programs and engaging in the community.

Inca Link International


Our mission as a band is for each presentation to connect the hearts of the people with the heart of God.

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Link Year

Link Year allows participants to grow deeper to go deeper within a life-on-life discipleship community.

Inca Link Perú


Seeking to identify, disciple, train, and connect future leaders from different underdeveloped communities to the local church.


Providing vulnerable children, youth and mothers with opportunities to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Inca Thakhi

Inca Thakhi is an outdoor discipleship camp ministry with the passion to see God's love spread.


Empowering children in need through support in their education, entrepreneurship, nourishment, community, and walk with Christ for a brighter future.

Misión Más Vida

Our mission on earth is to announce the gospel of Jesus Christ in a truly relevant way so that people become His faithful disciples.

Runa Simi

Reaching the people groups of Peru with the Word of God in their own languages.

Inca Link USA

Cumbre Alta Bossier City

Holistically developing players to impact players and communities beyond the soccer field.

Cumbre Alta Fútbol Camp

Through soccer, our goal is to engage the Latin American population across the United States and connect them with the broader community to impact players and the community beyond the game.

Know their name. Know their need.

Join us in many different capacities: