Hi to all of Inca Link Global,
Merry Christmas! This is so exciting to see what God is doing at Christmas time here in Latin America. Here are some of the cool things going on 🙂
- Inca Link Ecuador had the annual chiva ride – it´s an empty bus – for people to stand and go throughout the city singing and celebrating the city of Quito. It has been a tradition for many years for our Inca Link Ecuador staff and friends.
- Congratulations to Daniel Ascencio, executive director of Inca Link Peru and band member of Corban – he finished his masters degree classes. Now he just has to finish the thesis.
- Corban was in Lima with 4000 young people – check out their mannequin challenge: https://www.facebook.com/corbanwebperu/
- Amijai, our at risk kids and women´s ministry, had a visit from the Los Andes school and others to celebrate Christmas in Peru with these friends.
- After 3 years, my book “Missions – how to untie the passion of the new generation”
is ready to be launched. Special thanks to Elisa, Pedro Contag, Gustavo Cadena, David Noboa, Fabian and Mabe for helping in the editing.
- Ready, Set, Smart – Please help promote this – our goal is $20,000. Have people participate here – invite your friends and family. This is a great Christmas endeavor for the whole family that will have a positive impact on many at risk kids.
- We received a donation from an Ecuadorian company of 369 pairs of shoes for our kids programs of Inca Link Ecuador. Praise the Lord.
LINK YEAR – friends – we have a BRAND NEW ministry opportunity that we are launching for 2017. It is called Link Year and it is for young adults (18-23 years old) to have a gap year serving in 3 countries – Ecuador, Peru and Colombia – for 3 months in each country. Pray that we get the quota of 20 students for September 2017- May 2018. Will you help us find people that would be a good fit?
Maybe they need a Link Year after graduating from high school or college – or they don´t know what to study yet. This might be a perfect fit for them. Have them contact us or email Lindsey Fisher at lfisher@www.incalink.org
Highs – We had a great time with ILE on the Chiva :), Elisa and I preached at the church this Sunday – out of the box but fun times – and my kids are coming to celebrate Christmas together – Mishayla comes tomorrow, Mark, Olivia and Josiah on Dec 21st!
Lows – Elisa was really sick and had to stay in bed a couple of days with a bad cold.
2 Prayer Requests – Pray for wisdom from God as I deal with some tough board stuff on one of the boards I am on. Also, pray for our endeavors for next year to grow Inca Link to the next level.
Goals reached for the Kingdom and Inca Link – We preached, we had 15 pastors over to our house for coffee (in 4 different meetings) to learn more about their ministries and share what God is doing in E625, we finished another university level ministry training for E625 for the web page, Elisa had Entrenosotras, we had breakfast, lunch and supper meetings with possible donors, and Skype meetings with various people.
Intensely Focused,
Rich and Elisa